Or, you know, bitchslap Israel and force them to stop.
But that would solve the problem as it’s the only real solution, they would never do that.
Is he also going to stop shipping weapons to Israel? Otherwise it makes no fucking sense.
It’s actually a brilliant economic play. Instead of only arming Isreal, we should just arm both sides and get that CASH.
I don’t think they are giving/selling weapons to Gaza Strip…
Pushing some agenda is the only benefit it
could getis getting by supporting either side, they’re both unprofitable; one’s poor and the other only accepts weapon donations.Edit: Getting oil from naval wells also makes some sense as an explanation.
I think it is a positive sign - although obviously hypocritical when they are providing lethal aid to the Israeli government while it’s controlled by genocidal extremist parties like Likud and Mafdal-RZ, who are using it to create the very situation for Palestinian civilians in the first place.
The bombing of civilian homes and infrastructure, combined with shootings and so on has already killed or wounded about 2% of the population in only 5 months. However, a famine could kill far faster than that; to avoid that, the IDF would only need to not interfere with the distribution of aid, allowing NGOs to provide it. Instead, they have interfered with the entry of aid at the Egyptian-Palestinian border, bombed places where aid is being distributed, and shot at civilians seeking aid on the street with machine guns.
So anything that makes that 2% of casualties not grow to 80%, for example, and frustrates the plans of Israel’s far right to depopulate Gaza of Arabs is a good start, but not really enough.
That’s assuming the US’s intentions are good, and that this isn’t just for show.
do you believe them? I don’t, never will.
My first thought also. Developing the infrastructure to exploit natural resources under the cover of providing humanitarian aid, while simultaneously supplying the weapons that create the need for humanitarian aid.
It’s not like that happened in every* other Arab nation.
*: You could argue some aren’t. For most of them natural resources were exploited using the corrupted puppets making all of the Arab nations’ governments.