Services can now respond with data, a new dialog for lock, sentence triggers, fewer breaking changes, Bluetooth proxies are now the fastest option, copy 'n paste in dashboards, brand new image enti...
Waiting for end to end support in HA with easy setup. I have been tracking progress and rhasspy but want to wait for all the components to work end to end.
I have 5 rooms with Google minis in them I want to be fairly sure about the hardware before I commit hundreds to it. I might get one to play with.
What is currently stopping you from replacing them with something like Willow and a few ESP32-S3-BOX’s?
Waiting for end to end support in HA with easy setup. I have been tracking progress and rhasspy but want to wait for all the components to work end to end.
I have 5 rooms with Google minis in them I want to be fairly sure about the hardware before I commit hundreds to it. I might get one to play with.