According to a report from the New York Times, Donald Trump has put his relationship with one of his top campaign donors on shaky ground after he deluged her with a series of "angry texts" as his campaign was partially derailed by Vice President Kamala Harris becoming his new presidential opponent.A...
Do you mind if I ask what your thoughts are about the minimum age to become president? I’m not trying to be combative. I’m just curious what you think (personally I think 35 is really high to be a minimum)
I think those should also be removed. I think being a suitable candidate for presidency means being cognitively fit and have good campaigning and debates. At this 70 or 80 cutoff we lose people like Bernie and I’m sure we are losing out on a lot of potentially good candidates younger than 35.
Do you mind if I ask what your thoughts are about the minimum age to become president? I’m not trying to be combative. I’m just curious what you think (personally I think 35 is really high to be a minimum)
I think those should also be removed. I think being a suitable candidate for presidency means being cognitively fit and have good campaigning and debates. At this 70 or 80 cutoff we lose people like Bernie and I’m sure we are losing out on a lot of potentially good candidates younger than 35.