On Saturday evening, Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport in Paris. The arrest took place as Durov, accompanied by his
A service provider is not responsible for the content people publish on their service. But if they knowingly allow criminals to publish and refuse to cooperate with courts and police, they become responsible.
But the level of cooperation required means they have to break eee to remain in the clear. Doing that means they lose almost all reason to exist in the first place. This is a no-win scenario.
A service provider is not responsible for the content people publish on their service. But if they knowingly allow criminals to publish and refuse to cooperate with courts and police, they become responsible.
But the level of cooperation required means they have to break eee to remain in the clear. Doing that means they lose almost all reason to exist in the first place. This is a no-win scenario.
What e2ee ? Telegram group chats are not encrypted.
Telegram chats are encrypted. (in transport)
Only “secret chats” are fully e2ee, though.