On Saturday evening, Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport in Paris. The arrest took place as Durov, accompanied by his
Allegedly the former. By “allegedly”, I mean that Telegram is definitely uncooperative in moderation of illegal content, the alleged part is that that is the motivation behind the arrest. I also read somewhere that he was accused of tapping into Macron’s manager’s communications, but I can’t find the article and I don’t know how reliable that statement is.
also read somewhere that he was accused of tapping into Macron’s manager’s communications, but I can’t find the article and I don’t know how reliable that statement is.
Allegedly the former. By “allegedly”, I mean that Telegram is definitely uncooperative in moderation of illegal content, the alleged part is that that is the motivation behind the arrest. I also read somewhere that he was accused of tapping into Macron’s manager’s communications, but I can’t find the article and I don’t know how reliable that statement is.
So in turn… your comment is just as unreliable.