Not sure why that is, but I have 32 GB of RAM and I would like my system to utilize it as much as possible, but as you can see in the screenshot, the system is only using 5.66 GB of the physical RAM, but swap is still being used in a high number. Is this normal? Should I lower the swappiness to lower than 10? Should I let it be?
Strange, I also have 32GB of RAM, my swapiness is 15, and my swap is always at 0 bytes used…
The use case will change everything. OP is likely using much more memory than you are (especially disk cache usage) so the kernel decided to swap out some data. Maybe you aren’t using as much so it has no need.
I do have many things running and the CPU is working hard for sure. I didn’t even notice the cached part of RAM. So glad I just upgraded from 16 yesterday. Lol
I feel you. My swappiness is whatever is default in fedora and it’ll use like 20 gigs of RAM before anything goes into swap