Am wondering that how politics have the power to manipulate society as they need. Oncw they said tiktok put privacy and security at risk and take too much time to decide to delete the app. Then within days they unblocked the app.

Are we in a simulation ? Controlled by some tech companies and political parties ?

    1 month ago

    software code is quite literally language made manifest

    Not natural language in any meaningful way. Not even close.

    Also, I’m not at all convinced about the whole caste analysis, since historically there has been huge variation in the details of what one caste does and another doesn’t, even if you can find enough parallels that you can label them as military, priestly or mercantile.

    In addition, even if you buy the caste analysis, those called tech bros are really just members of the owner caste who happen to own tech-intensive businesses. Though even that is hard to make stick, since almost all kinds of businesses are now tech-intensive. And if you look at a tech bro such as Musk, much of his portfolio isn’t pure-play tech. Cars, for example. Tech is an intrinsic component in nearly all enterprises, just as the phone or written word used to be. “Phone-intensive” only made sense to characterize early adopters when phones were emerging. But at some point in the adoption curve, it becomes essentially everyone, and no longer has meaning. The same could be said now for tech.

    The more meaningful distinction now is between those who make money by doing things, versus those who make money by owning things. The latter have disproportionate power right now, and it’s become toxic to the rest of us.