To be fair, we kind of beat ourselves. It turns out napalming huge swaths of a country and it’s neighbors doesn’t really sell the locals on the idea that you’re the good guys…
Yeah, sounds almost like the US where one of those thin-skinned rich guys was just elected president, only he owns the social media platform too so I guess the process would be a bit more streamlined there.
golly that sounds like a dreadful place to live.
What do u expect from a communist dictatorship? They do have good food and their museums are very proud of the fact they beat the Americans in a war.
To be fair, we kind of beat ourselves. It turns out napalming huge swaths of a country and it’s neighbors doesn’t really sell the locals on the idea that you’re the good guys…
Yeah, sounds almost like the US where one of those thin-skinned rich guys was just elected president, only he owns the social media platform too so I guess the process would be a bit more streamlined there.
Not everything has to be about the USA.