I am trying out a Clevo MZ41, pretty interesting machine. It is coreboot supported (Dasharo, in the future also Heads) which is exciting.
But I cant boot any live Linux? I tried Fedora Media writer and KDEs iso image writer. I tried Fedora KDE and KDE Neon (you see a trend haha) and also Ventoy.
These sticks normally always boot up, but here I get Dracut timeout, partition /root not found etc.
In the insydeH2O Bios I already disabled Secureboot entirely (not even needed, that Bios is awesome I can even deploy my own keys and all). Nothing changed.
Warning: /dev/disk/by-label/Fedora-KDE-Live-38-1-6 does not exist
Warning: /dev/root does not exist
... emergency mode ...
Anyone know whats going on here?
My gut here is saying you have a mismatched combo of how Coreboot is treating these, and how they are written. From what I’m reading, Coreboot should support Legacy, UEFI, or SeaBIOS, so go set that in the BIOS setup, then make absolutely sure your disks are being written as such (NOT mbr). Ventoy should be the tool to use here for testing different distros out, so good on finding that.
Ventoy USB can be created to work both in Legacy and UEFI. It is also very easy to add more distributions later.
I have not yet Coreboot installed. Its the stock BIOS, I need to test that laptop before possibly bricking it ;D
Weird thing is the sticks boot, but they crap out because drives where no mounted
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I have never used those tools, I usually just dd the iso to a usb. I am assuming you are on a linux distribution already. I would download a fresh iso and verify the checksum. Then use dd to write to the usb. I use this format, and of course replace the path to iso bit and /dev/sdx (your usb)with what is relevant to your situation. Just open terminal and type
sudo dd bs=4M if=path/to/your.iso of=/dev/sdx conv=fsync oflag=direct status=progress
You probably already know but you can find the usb’s specific /dev/sdx with sudo fdisk -l
Both tools use dd underneath so this should be no problem. But I can try
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The stick works and boots normally.
Debian Live?
I dont think that will change anything. Its not the distros fault, thats the thing. I used these exact ISOs
It may be the way the are burned.
Try using Balena Etcher or Rufus.