It’s time to get some storage for the homelab. I could get a Synology, but I’d quite like to build my own using ZFS.

However it seems hard (or my Google-fu sucks) to find good, reasonably priced 4 bay JBODs. Most of what I can find either looks very cheap or is almost as expensive as a Synology.

Any suggestions?

    1 year ago

    Most towers will fit 4 drives.

    If you’re out of SATA ports or M2s you can buy PCI adapters.

    If you’re buying SSDs they’re small and don’t care about orientation, can but plugged into the cables and stuffed anywhere in the case that doesn’t impede airflow.

    Where do you want your drives? What sort of drives? I’ve also found it more performant to stuff them in the case and 4 drives isn’t a stretch unless you’re also running a ton in the target server.