Linda went to an Ivy League university, but, like many others, found that the prestigious education came with its own set of challenges and pitfalls.

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    2 years ago

    Yeah, her parrents are the problem here. Traditional Chinese upbringing. Go to school, get good grades, make something of yourself.

    I was somewhat brought up the same way, except I didn’t take it as seriously (I didn’t always do what I was told). Yeah, I graduated, masters and all that, but after that, I just decided it was enough, there’s no point, anything else I need to learn, I can learn it on my own, no need for a formal eductation. And I was right.

    Defintely not gonna slave away for a PhD, it’s pointless in this day and age, doesn’t bring anything more on the table. A roofer can make as much as a PhD biologist nowadays, why put in the effort to study, there’s no point.

    My 2 cents. I know some won’t agree, but being a rocket scientist is not on my list. Sure, it might seem like fun when you first hear about it, but the time and effort you have to put in to get there… sorry, I’d rather just enjoy life. We don’t get a second one, this is the only one.