Exactly. Just move on.
That won’t make it easier to find when troubleshooting for a problem online. And your profile is tied to conversations in threads, simply archiving your posts is just a blob of useless data with no context.
Me as well. One of the reasons why I will never do this.
You know how I joined reddit? None of the reasons everyone else might have, it just looked like a cool place. No one uses it where I live, except a few hundred people.
That being said, this was after years and years of me leeching off of comments on reddit. So, I thought I’d give the community something back… it’s only fair. I come from the forum scene, that’s how forums work. And let’s be honest, no matter how much we started hating a place, we never did this back in the day. Why? The info shared in those posts is probably more valuable than whatever we’re trying to achieve by doing this.
Of course, it’s your choice, your account. I’m just saying that I think it’s selfish and mean and that I would never do it. The free flow of info is what keeps the net going. You start tempering with that and you’re just fueling more users into mass media (if everyone did this, users can’t find any info about anything they’re troubleshooting and just return to doomscrolling on FB/IG/Twitter).
I never got paid for anything either, but neither did everyone else that helped me over the years.
Of course, the choice is yours, but it’s not OK IMO.
Reasons don’t fix the issue - the answer is mising.
Me as well. I’ve been in situations where complete strangers online have answered and helped me so many times regarding problems I’ve had, so I’ve tried to return the favor through reddit and other platforms. I have no intention of doing this, this is just… mean IMO. You open the link in hope of finding an answer and you run into… this 😒.
Yeah, her parrents are the problem here. Traditional Chinese upbringing. Go to school, get good grades, make something of yourself.
I was somewhat brought up the same way, except I didn’t take it as seriously (I didn’t always do what I was told). Yeah, I graduated, masters and all that, but after that, I just decided it was enough, there’s no point, anything else I need to learn, I can learn it on my own, no need for a formal eductation. And I was right.
Defintely not gonna slave away for a PhD, it’s pointless in this day and age, doesn’t bring anything more on the table. A roofer can make as much as a PhD biologist nowadays, why put in the effort to study, there’s no point.
My 2 cents. I know some won’t agree, but being a rocket scientist is not on my list. Sure, it might seem like fun when you first hear about it, but the time and effort you have to put in to get there… sorry, I’d rather just enjoy life. We don’t get a second one, this is the only one.
Hahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣, I laughed way more than I should 🤣🤣🤣.
u a gay. y a u gay?
I’m nowadays using bcachefs…
Haven’t heard of this FS, so I checked the specs… was actually hoping to see a working RAID5/6 feature, but as it stands now it only supports RAID1/0/10. Too bad, would’ve considered it as a viable option to mdadm + BTRFS.
It said the code base was build on something stable, but it didn’t say what, do you happen to know what FS this project is a fork of?
NP, glad I could help 😉 👍.
Nah, I got it set up on a P4 with a 20GB drive, takes about 2 or 3GB. As time progresses, older snapshots get deleted automatically by Timeshift 😉. So, say you got 4 daily set up, 4 weekly and 2 montly. Only the last 4 daily, 4 weekly and 2 monthly stay, the rest are deleted as new snapshots are created. That’s the while point of having this setup, so you can go back in time, but you decide how long.
Yep, you’re doing it right… or at least that’s how I do it as well, lol 😂.
A snapshot is exactly that, a snapshot. It doesn’t take forever to create, like with rsync, it litelarly takes a second, even on very old rigs (775 or even older). It’s basically a snapshot of what the current drive holds. If a file changes (gets added, removed, whatever), the snapshot grows cuz it needs to hold the older versions of the files (the ones saved at the time of the snapshot).
This might not be exactly how snapshots work in BTRFS, but this is what I gathered from using it with snapshots enabled. The older the snapshot, the larger the size of the snapshot (takes way more room cuz more changes have occured).
Also, it’s wise to set up daily, weekly and monthly snapshots. I have it set up to hold 5 or 6 (can’t really remember now) daily snapshots, 4 weekly and 2 montly. So basically, I can go back in time for a max of 2 months. I was thinking or raising the montly snapshots to 3 or 4, but I’m still not sure. Still, I wouldn’t go lower than 2.
It’s more or less a standard that describes how UNIX compatible OSes are supposed to work. That includes the APIs/ABIs as well.
At least that is how I understand it.
Nope, nothing. I use ESET Endpoint on Windows though.
Yeah, I got confused with the dragon picture as well 😂.