Leaked messages show Amazon will force a ‘voluntary resignation’ on employees failing to relocate near their team ‘hubs’::undefined

  • CmdrShepard@lemmy.one
    2 years ago

    From first hand experience I can say I never submitted an application to work at one of these places. The hiring process was me submitting my resume, doing phone interviews, and then in-person interviews.

    • Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      Even for “strategic hires”, you still need to ask demographics and eligibility questions and the like. The CV can be parsed for most of the work experience stuff. Presumably there was the question of “So… you can legally work in this country, right?” during the phone interviews.

      Those generic questions you ask while you upload your CV? That is an application form. It just isn’t a ten page document like at the kroger.

      • CmdrShepard@lemmy.one
        2 years ago

        I didn’t need to submit a CV when I submitted a resume, and my work eligibility was verified when I filled out an I-9 form after getting the job. Furthermore, in the context of the discussion, what does asking about citizenship or demographics reveal about whether you’ve been fired from Amazon?

        You can be condescending and speculate all you like, but I’ve actually gone through this process and it isn’t as you describe it to be.

        • Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
          2 years ago

          Its not “be(ing) condescending”

          A CV and a Resume are (close enough to) the same thing. And a lot of people don’t realize that for “strategic hires”, things might not even happen in the same order. You can be offered a job… contingent upon filling out these forms and being eligible to work. As opposed to filling out these forms and demonstrating you are eligible to work… before being offered a job.

          Near as I can tell, this is some batshit insane “I am a rising junior” nonsense that has been taught to people. “I don’t fill out applications when I apply for jobs because applications are for the weak” and so forth. Speak like you already have the job you want and all that brand building.

          As for relevance: Mostly this is just complete insanity over the dude who talked about how they don’t fill out applications when they apply for jobs and acting as though that is standard and what happens with the kinds of companies you apply for after you have been an engineer at a FAANG-like for a bit. When, unless you are only applying to the tiniest of startups, you are going to go through the bog standard HR policies. And when you have a significant blemish on what is probably going to be one of your top three bits of employment history… that is not a great thing.

          And, just because I am sure this will also somehow be misconstrued: A “strategic hire” is a catch all term for someone a company makes a job opening for. Sometimes that is the CEO’s kid. Often times it is someone who is technically amazing. Maybe they just got laid off and you see an opportunity to grab them. Maybe you walked up to them in a hotel bar at a conference and talked about how much you like their vibe. Those are the people who tend to only do interviews and the like as a formality… mostly because you still need to go through the motions for HR purposes.

          • CmdrShepard@lemmy.one
            2 years ago

            I like how you keep insisting that you know more about my hiring process than I do even though you know absolutely nothing about me, where i work, or what was involved. You can keep shifting the goal posts with each new comment, but you’re still totally off base and entirely too confident, to almost an absurdist degree, in your assumptions.

            Nobody has said anything about “strategic hires” other than you, so spare me your irrelevant rant about these ‘entitled employees’ that you’ve entirely invented in your head.

            Nobody is going to care that you wouldn’t relocate for your job and they will never check this reference until after you’ve already been interviewed and had a chance to explain.