Because resuming from mute or pause has less delay. Particularly if using a CD or bluetooth audio.
Older millennial nerd.
Because resuming from mute or pause has less delay. Particularly if using a CD or bluetooth audio.
I’m lucky that my Subaru has it right. Left right are back forward and up down is volume. My only complaint is that the button in the middle is mute, rather than pause. I can pause CDs, bluetooth audio, and even live radio. Why in hell would I ever choose mute over pause?
Nice day.
I guess I missed that you’re intentionally avoiding places with waiters/servers. That’s what I had in mind. I’ve visited plenty of places that don’t have a tip jar out or activate the tipping feature on the credit card machine. I don’t really consider them making progress away from the wild tipping culture we currently have. They just haven’t fallen into the ridiculous yet. I get what you’re saying now.
Ultimately, nothing’s going to change unless something changes on the state or federal level. My state tried instituting a minimum wage that included waiters, but restaurants put up such a stink that the waiter part got reversed. “We’ll have to raise our prices!” Yeah no shit, but then we won’t pay tip. It theoretically should wash out in the end.
While your plan is good in theory, how many places like this have you found? I have ran into a grand total of zero. It’s hard to support businesses doing it a better way when you can’t find any.
Fucking phones, how do they work?