I am not a fan of Putin either.
But NATO forced his hand, as was always the intention.
It is NATO who would be in the face of Russia threatening them with nukes if they let them into ex-ukraine.
It’s not Russia who unilatery blew up missile treaties and put them in Romania.
If Putin would be half as mad as the west claim to be they would be at war by now.
Ukraine war is a matter of survival.
Just look at history, always the European nations attacking Russia.
says the guy from the country with the nazi past (and present)
What he is scared of, is progressive western culture. Gay people and trans rights movements give him the heebie jeebies and he doesn’t like that stuff coming closer and closer to russias borders, where imaginary lines on the map do nothing to stop the spread and intermingling of culture and ideology.
That is the same reasoning the israeli fascist use as an exuse about the bad muslims they genocide, interesting.
And this even more:
These thugs beat up a woman’s rights march, imagine what they would do to LGBT.
As if you genuinely care and not something to validate your racism, Russophobia and aggressive fanaticism.
Had enough of you.
You can join Azov, Sich, Tornado, Safari or any of the many fascist batallions, you will find likeminded people there.