28 days ago“In some dark corners, this killer is being hailed as a hero. Hear me on this: He is no hero,” Shapiro said after Mangione was arrested at a McDonald’s in Altoona.
Apparently the internet is a dark corner.
“In some dark corners, this killer is being hailed as a hero. Hear me on this: He is no hero,” Shapiro said after Mangione was arrested at a McDonald’s in Altoona.
Apparently the internet is a dark corner.
Im still not certain they tried. I mean, how can you miss such a big target at such a distance?
Typically in cases of economic nonviability to repair, insurance pay you what’s called „Verkehrswert“, so, around that what they think you’d get if you had sold the vehicle directly prior to destruction. And their estimates fucking suck. I got around 1500€ for my motorcycle when I was hit by an old lady who wasn’t able to see me driving directly in front of her. The only comparable bike I found on the market afterwards was 4000€.