This is a good point. I don’t personally know anyone who watched it, as I am solidly in the anti-Trumpism camp. It’s already too stressful without rubbing our noses in his defiant stupidity and flaunting his unwarranted hubris.
This is a good point. I don’t personally know anyone who watched it, as I am solidly in the anti-Trumpism camp. It’s already too stressful without rubbing our noses in his defiant stupidity and flaunting his unwarranted hubris.
Yeah. Everybody knows veterans are the woke enemy. (Leopards meet face)
I know, right! All the illegal tranny immigrants sneaking into women’s restrooms and stealing our American eggs and replacing them with fentanyl and liberal lies and then claiming it’s part of their DEI job description, which, btw, was funded by a fraudulent USAid grant for a left-handed dyslexic lesbian Canadian Eskimo interpretive dance performance art piece featuring the stomping on of unborn babies ripped from their mother’s womb immediately after birth!!! Why do they hate us for our freedom?!?!
I don’t know if this is true but I’ve heard that elections have consequences. Probably just some more woke shit though.
It’s a Trapper Keeper!
As an American I fully support this. Our government is supposed to work as a bit of a push-n-pull, not a winner rape all, which is how Trump and the RepubliKKKans run things. I am anxious to see them and their policies fail asap, so please do as much damage as possible. I wish that I could renounce my citizenship and become a Canadian. I identify so much more with your country and values. Unfortunately I looked into immigrating about 15 yrs ago and I’m too old, lacking a tech degree, and not rich enough for Canada’s point system of immigration. (You get points based on age, skill sets, and the wealth you bring into the country and have to meet a minimum score.)