Chinese people are much more nationalistic than their government is. If it were a democracy it would have invaded Taiwan long ago.
It’s good to see people engaging in cultural exchange and learning about each other through the app. Rednote sounds like an interesting place; most online spaces are dominated by men with relatively few women.
They also developed a way of writing with roman characters (called pinyin) so they could type on computers and phones. Taiwan developed a different method and Japan uses its own alphabet .
Chinese uses ideograms, which are the same for all dialects and are even used in Japan.
trans-inclusive radical feminists
Personally I prefer the company of trans-agnostic practicing sexists or TAPS.
It’s called primitive accumulation in Marxist-Leninist circles or to put it another way;
“To achieve a great leap a generation must be sacrificed” Liu Zhijin, Minister of railways
How can a capitalist country have a national health service?
Whilst dissent event is catchier than mass public incident the fact that it includes petitioning through official channels makes it a meaningless number. It’s like measuring the health of a democracy by measuring voter turn out.
There are Irish republicans who refuse to swear allegiance to the king/ queen and are unable to take their seats in Westminster. This doesn’t trigger a by-election though.
Good idea if you don’t want publishers to send you any advanced copies of their games in the future, which is just as well since your review won’t be relevant to anyone. At that point it’s just a preview.