9 days ago
aber dieses Mal mache ich eine Ausnahme. ♥️
Egal ob mit oder ohne Rosinen, ich hab euch alle lieb. ♥
aber dieses Mal mache ich eine Ausnahme. ♥️
I once fixed a UI bug in the Desktop version of Bitwarden since it annoyed me so much over the timespan of a year. I had to change one single line because the problem was that a curly bracket was misplaced. My MR got multiple positive reactions and even on the Bitwarden forum people were thanking me for my contribution. They never merged my fix because they “fixed it themselves in a newer build” that came out 3 months later.
I’m still pissed about that.
I am actually shocked that Baldur’s Gate didn’t get that award. total bullshit tbh.
wtf?! I would never poison a child!