Try to find the movie Parents. It’s almost impossible. Eating Raoul too.
Try to find the movie Parents. It’s almost impossible. Eating Raoul too.
He’ll get advertisers just as actual people leave.
That will last only until a judge signs a warrant.
It’s a one time purchase license, not a subscription. And the software is good.
Until GIMP gets nondestructive adjustment layers, Krita is the closest. And it’s definitely not good enough. But Inkscape is very good. Blender is very good, even it’s broken VSE editor. Though Resolve is amazing and the pro version is ridiculously cheap at $300.
Affinity tools are still good. Until they’re enshittified, still a good deal.
Bbbbut I wuz told China would pay for the wall! And my new Playstation!
TFA discussed how these unsupported Chromebooks are still for sale on major retail sites like Amazon and Walmart.
I think you missed the point of the article.
I just don’t care about Reddit anymore. Or Twitter, for that matter.
Exactly. They’re abusive assoles. Fuck them. We’re outa there.