I myself have made a couple of very simple watertight (non essential) prints for scubadiving. They are holding up really well!
I myself have made a couple of very simple watertight (non essential) prints for scubadiving. They are holding up really well!
The guys from Prusa Research have a lenghty blog post about watertight 3d-prints: https://blog.prusa3d.com/watertight-3d-printing-part-2_53638/ This might be a good source for tipps and tricks!
Thanks, I will try again!
While Keepass has the ability to use a Yubikey (or similar) as 2FA (masterpassword is still required), this does not work on the mobile (Android) apps I tried. If you can make it work, please let me know!
Other than that: I got my Yubikey working ok on Linux Mint. But somehow the first login often does not work as expected (you have to touch the key). That is why I don’t use it anymore as 2FA for computer login.
Mostly covers for different hoses and valves for scientific instruments used underwater. For the seals I mostly use O-rings.