Imported chinese EVs are still undercutting the European manufacturers, as much they have been lobbying to have increased import fees on the cheaper non EU EVs. The narrative is that they are heavily subsidised to the extend they cannot compete anymore, in so crippling overal in-continent EV development. Resulting in a dependence to the East.
If I am not mistaken such import fee has just passed in Brussel, in order to protect the European market.
In a weird way, humanity has been longing for greener automobile solutions, and now that it’s there, Europe wants to slow it down.
How quickly those this flood your storage?
Currently I ran invidious in docker. The solution is … just okay, performance isn’t great. But at least you only stream whatever you pick for watching.
I only follow around 15 channels. For simplicity 10 video are added daily to my subscription feed.
Are there privacy concerns with this solution. This together with ad blocking were my main drivers for invidious.