Best of luck! It really sucks, and the worst part is it’s hard to notice at first, and easily written off as working too much or something until you realize you’re doing it to yourself. I’ve heard good things about pea protein but sadly it’s not really a thing in my country yet so I haven’t had a chance to try it.
Anyway, whey powder can be pretty cheap these days (they have cheese so dairy isn’t a restriction), and there are enough duplicates in this picture that they could cut a couple things and keep the same price point if the budget is tight.
I’m a run of the mill American citizen, 4 generations back my family has been American. No birth weirdness or dual citizenship or anything. Decided to live overseas after uni to broaden my horizons, and last time I came back home for the holidays I was grilled on my americanness by customs… They almost didn’t let me in because they thought I was suspicious, and my passport didn’t seem right. They even said “how can you be American if you’re a resident of (country)?” I think I got the same line as this article too, the whole no way to prove I’m American (despite my passport being in their hands). Theres a gatekeeping mentality that I suspect is rampant in all levels of government, and I just wonder how many good people who deserve to be here are barred from a normal life in the US because of it