It costs less money than hosting a payment processing center. By an order of magnitude.
It costs less money than hosting a payment processing center. By an order of magnitude.
(Chicago) Mayor Brandon Johnson
Edit: Johnson, not Thompson, thanks.
https://chcoc.gov/sites/default/files/OPM Memo Initial Guidance Regarding DEIA Executive Orders.pdf
The full order, which provides the template this comes from.
They showed remarkable restraint in not immediately shooting someone who pulled out a gun, and when they did fire, they did not invite themselves or bystanders. It doesn’t initially seem like they did anything wrong and they executed it well. That’s the surprising part.
To answer your question, at my skill level, probably missed and shot someone else.
The most surprising part of the article:
None of the officers, nor the driver and another passenger, were injured.
Not personnel.
… Then act surprised and blame everything but the actual problem when mega fires bloom ever larger and more out of control year after year. They even signed a non binding agreement basically agreeing to the above. And, this very much isn’t just California, they just have the local climate with a drought/flood cycle that really exacerbates the cycle.
Under fire? Really? Sounds like some questions in response to someone literally being fired upon.
I didn’t get it at first, but good joke, close enough to whole ass.
So much of the morality we’re taught is really only applicable to our class.
Then don’t be part of society is the root of that argument.
Don’t want to be tracked? Don’t use a phone. Or a car.
Don’t want to support exploitative publishers? Don’t read.
Can’t afford rent?
Can’t find a job?
It’s all just blaming people for corporate bullshit.
He would be a billionaire if he didn’t give so much away.